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The association Njira was founded in March of 2020 as a non-profit as well as politically and denominationally independent association with its headquarters in Zurich. The association’s aim is to support people in difficult situations through institutional networking, administrative support and social integration.

v.l.: Tobias Bockstaller, Nadja Göldi, Pascal Frei, Sabrina Göldi, Aldo Hall

We are a board of five young, optimistic people who embrace opportunities to make the world a little more collaborative.

The Board works fully honorary and is elected by the general meeting for the term of one year.


Our auditor is: Milan Weller

The general meeting elects the auditor for the term of one year.

Milan Weller_Revisionsstelle.jpeg

Association statutes

You can download our association statutes as a PDF here!

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